
Module for cloud save pattern definitions Uses Apache Libcloud as a universal engine

Module Contents



Implementation class for extended base save patterns


Save pattern implementation to save objects to Cloud in HDF5 format


Save pattern implementation to save objects to Cloud in Keras HDF5 format


Save pattern implementation to save objects to Cloud in pickled format


Mixin class to save/load objects via Apache Libcloud

simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.__author__ = Elisha Yadgaran[source]
class simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudBase[source]

Bases: simpleml.save_patterns.base.BaseSavePattern, simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudSavePatternMixin

Implementation class for extended base save patterns to/from the cloud via Apache Libcloud

class simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudHDF5SavePattern[source]

Bases: simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudBase

Save pattern implementation to save objects to Cloud in HDF5 format

SAVE_PATTERN = cloud_hdf5[source]
classmethod load(cls, filename: str, **kwargs)Any[source]

Download HDF5 file from cloud to disk Then load files from disk in HDF5 format

classmethod save(cls, obj: Any, persistable_id: str, **kwargs)str[source]

Save method to save files to disk in HDF5 format Then upload HDF5 file from disk to cloud

class simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudKerasHDF5SavePattern[source]

Bases: simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudBase

Save pattern implementation to save objects to Cloud in Keras HDF5 format

SAVE_PATTERN = cloud_keras_hdf5[source]
classmethod load(cls, filename: str, **kwargs)Any[source]

Download HDF5 file from cloud to disk Then load files from disk in HDF5 format

classmethod save(cls, obj: Any, persistable_id: str, **kwargs)str[source]

Save method to save files to disk in Keras HDF5 format Then upload HDF5 file from disk to cloud

class simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudPickleSavePattern[source]

Bases: simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudBase

Save pattern implementation to save objects to Cloud in pickled format

SAVE_PATTERN = cloud_pickled[source]
classmethod load(cls, filename: str, **kwargs)Any[source]

Download pickled file from cloud to disk Then load files from disk in pickled format

classmethod save(cls, obj: Any, persistable_id: str, **kwargs)str[source]

Save method to save files to disk in pickled format Then upload pickled file from disk to cloud

class simpleml.save_patterns.libcloud.CloudSavePatternMixin[source]

Bases: object

Mixin class to save/load objects via Apache Libcloud

Generic api for all cloud providers so naming convention is extremely important to follow in the config. Please reference libcloud documentation for supported input parameters

``` [cloud] section = name of the config section to use, ex: s3

[s3] param = value –> normal key:value syntax. match these to however they are referenced later, examples: key = abc123 secret = superSecure region = us-east-1 something_specific_to_s3 = s3_parameter — Below are internally referenced SimpleML params — driver = S3 –> this must be the Apache Libcloud provider ( connection_params = key,secret,region,something_specific_to_s3 –> this determines the key: value params passed to the constructor (it can be different for each provider) path = simpleml/specific/root –> similar to disk based home directory, cloud home directory will start relative to here container = simpleml –> the cloud bucket or container name ```

How this gets used: ``` from import Provider from import get_driver

cloud_section = CONFIG.get(CLOUD_SECTION, ‘section’) connection_params = CONFIG.getlist(cloud_section, ‘connection_params’) root_path = CONFIG.get(cloud_section, ‘path’, fallback=’’)

driver_cls = get_driver(getattr(Provider, CONFIG.get(cloud_section, ‘driver’))) driver = driver_cls(**{param: CONFIG.get(cloud_section, param) for param in connection_params}) container = driver.get_container(container_name=CONFIG.get(cloud_section, ‘container’)) extra = {‘content_type’: ‘application/octet-stream’}

obj = driver.upload_object(LOCAL_FILE_PATH,

container=container, object_name=root_path + simpleml_folder_path + filename, extra=extra)

obj = driver.download_object(CLOUD_OBJECT,

destination_path=LOCAL_FILE_PATH, overwrite_existing=True, delete_on_failure=True)


download_from_cloud(self, folder: str, filename: str)None[source]

Download any file from cloud to disk

property driver(self)[source]

“classproperty” to return and optionally globally set the cloud provider

classmethod reset_driver(cls)[source]

Convenience method to set parsed driver back to None. Forces a config reread on next invocation

upload_to_cloud(self, folder: str, filename: str)None[source]

Upload any file from disk to cloud