
Reading through all the documentation is highly recommended, but for the truly impatient, following are some quick steps to get started.


Assuming conda is installed, you can create a new environment as follows (this step is optional, but recommended to provide a clean working environment):

conda create -n simpleml python
source activate simpleml

Install SimpleML on Python 2.7.x or Python 3.5+ by running the following command:

pip install simpleml

Refer to the installation guide for other methods of installation (Installation)

Set Up a Database

By default a local sqlite database will be created and used, but Postgres is the preferred (and tested) database flavor for production systems. Internally since sqlalchemy is used to manage all communication, any supported database should work. While it is possible to use SimpleML on an existing database (provided there are no overlapping tables), it is recommended to create a new database with the appropriate role-based access.

For example (using postgres), we can create a user simpleml and a database SIMPLEML:

CREATE USER simpleml with password 'simpleml';

Create a Project

Once the database is up and running, you can get started on the modeling task. There are no restrictions on the project setup, though a juptyer notebook is advised for prototyping and a python package for deployed services.

Follow on below for an example project in a notebook. Check out the examples repository for larger implementations.

You can now install jupyter, and any other dependencies via pip:

pip install jupyter

Starting up the jupyter notebook is as simple as calling:

jupyter notebook

Train a Model

From inside the notebook we will conduct a very minimal modeling exercise using the titanic dataset from kaggle:

from simpleml.utils import Database
from simpleml.datasets import PandasDataset
from simpleml.pipelines import RandomSplitPipeline
from simpleml.transformers import SklearnDictVectorizer, DataframeToRecords, FillWithValue
from simpleml.models import SklearnLogisticRegression
from simpleml.metrics AccuracyMetric
from simpleml.constants import TEST_SPLIT

# Initialize Database Connection - Uses Sqlite Default

# Define Dataset and point to loading file
class TitanicDataset(PandasDataset):
    def build_dataframe(self):
        self._external_file = self.load_csv('filepath/to/train.csv')

# Create Dataset and save it
dataset = TitanicDataset(name='titanic', label_columns=['Survived'])

# Define the minimal transformers to fill nulls and one-hot encode text columns
transformers = [
    ('fill_zeros', FillWithValue(values=0.)),
    ('record_coverter', DataframeToRecords()),
    ('vectorizer', SklearnDictVectorizer())

# Create Pipeline and save it - Use basic 80-20 test split
pipeline = RandomSplitPipeline(name='titanic', transformers=transformers,
                               train_size=0.8, validation_size=0.0, test_size=0.2)

# Create Model and save it
model = SklearnLogisticRegression(name='titanic')

# Create Metric and save it
metric = AccuracyMetric(dataset_split=TEST_SPLIT)

Deploy to Production

Production models can be hosted pretty much anywhere. We’ll just define a basic API layer using flask and serve predictions from our trained model:

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
import pandas as pd
from simpleml.utils import PersistableLoader

# Initialize Database Connection (Same Sqlite DB)

app = Flask(__name__)
MODEL = PersistableLoader.load_model(name='titanic', version=1)

@app.route(/predict, methods=['POST'])
def predict()
    X = pd.DataFrame(request.json)
    prediction_probability = float(MODEL.predict_proba(X)[:, 1])
    prediction = int(round(prediction_probability, 0))
    return jsonify({'probability': prediction_probability, 'prediction': prediction}), 200

if __name__ == '__main__':