Source code for simpleml.models.base_model

Base Model module

[docs]__author__ = "Elisha Yadgaran"
import logging import uuid import weakref from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union import numpy as np from simpleml.persistables.base_persistable import Persistable from simpleml.pipelines import Pipeline from simpleml.registries import ModelRegistry from simpleml.save_patterns.decorators import ExternalArtifactDecorators from simpleml.utils.errors import ModelError
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]@ExternalArtifactDecorators.register_artifact( artifact_name="model", save_attribute="external_model", restore_attribute="_external_file", ) class Model(Persistable, metaclass=ModelRegistry): """ Base class for all Model objects. Defines the required parameters for versioning and all other metadata can be stored in the arbitrary metadata field Also outlines the expected subclass methods (with NotImplementedError). Design choice to not abstract unified API across all libraries since each has a different internal mechanism """
[docs] object_type = "MODEL"
def __init__( self, has_external_files: bool = True, external_model_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fitted: bool = False, pipeline_id: Optional[Union[str, uuid.uuid4]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Need to explicitly separate passthrough kwargs to external models since most do not support arbitrary **kwargs in the constructors Two supported patterns - full initialization in constructor or stepwise configured before fit and save """ # If no save patterns are set, specify a default for disk_pickled if "save_patterns" not in kwargs: kwargs["save_patterns"] = {"model": ["disk_pickled"]} super(Model, self).__init__(has_external_files=has_external_files, **kwargs) # Prep params for model instantiation. lazy init (first reference will create it) if external_model_kwargs is None: external_model_kwargs = {} self._external_model_init_kwargs = external_model_kwargs if params is not None: self.set_params(**params) # Initialize as unfitted self.fitted = fitted # initialize null pipeline reference self.pipeline_id = pipeline_id @property
[docs] def fitted(self): return self.state.get("fitted")
@fitted.setter def fitted(self, value): self.state["fitted"] = value @property
[docs] def external_model(self): """ All model objects are going to require some filebase persisted object Wrapper around whatever underlying class is desired (eg sklearn or keras) """ self.load_if_unloaded("model") # lazy build if not hasattr(self, "_external_file"): self._external_file = self._create_external_model( **self._external_model_init_kwargs ) # clear temp vars del self._external_model_init_kwargs return self._external_file
[docs] def _create_external_model(self, **kwargs): """ Abstract method for each subclass to implement should return the desired model object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline) -> None: """ Setter method for dataset pipeline used """ if pipeline is None: return self.pipeline_id = self.pipeline = pipeline
[docs] def pipeline(self): """ Use a weakref to bind linked pipeline so it doesnt bloat usage returns pipeline if still available or tries to fetch otherwise """ # still referenced weakref if hasattr(self, "_pipeline") and self._pipeline() is not None: return self._pipeline() # null return if no associated pipeline (governed by pipeline_id) elif self.pipeline_id is None: return None # else regenerate weakref"No referenced object available. Refreshing weakref") pipeline = self._load_pipeline() self._pipeline = weakref.ref(pipeline) return pipeline
@pipeline.setter def pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline) -> None: """ Need to be careful not to set as the orm pipeline Cannot load if wrong type because of recursive behavior (will propagate down the whole dependency chain) """ self._pipeline = weakref.ref(pipeline)
[docs] def _load_pipeline(self): """ Helper to fetch the pipeline """ return self.orm_cls.load_pipeline(self.pipeline_id)
[docs] def assert_pipeline(self, msg=""): """ Helper method to raise an error if pipeline isn't present and configured """ if self.pipeline is None or not self.pipeline.fitted: raise ModelError(msg)
[docs] def assert_fitted(self, msg=""): """ Helper method to raise an error if model isn't fit """ if not self.fitted: raise ModelError(msg)
[docs] def _hash(self): """ Hash is the combination of the: 1) Pipeline 2) Model 3) Params 4) Config May only include attributes that exist at instantiation. Any attribute that gets calculated later will result in a race condition that may return a different hash depending on when the function is called """ pipeline_hash = self.pipeline.hash_ or self.pipeline._hash() model = self.external_model.__class__.__name__ params = self.get_params() config = self.config return self.custom_hasher((pipeline_hash, model, params, config))
[docs] def save(self, **kwargs): """ Extend parent function with a few additional save routines 1) save params 2) save feature metadata """ self.assert_pipeline("Must set pipeline before saving") self.assert_fitted("Must fit model before saving") # log only attributes - can be refreshed on each save (does not take effect on reloading) self.params = self.get_params(**kwargs) self.feature_metadata = self.get_feature_metadata(**kwargs) super(Model, self).save(**kwargs)
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): """ Pass through method to external model after running through pipeline """ self.assert_pipeline("Must set pipeline before fitting") if self.fitted: LOGGER.warning("Cannot refit model, skipping operation") return self if kwargs: LOGGER.warning( "Attempting to pass runtime parameters to fit. All parameters must be initialized with the constructor - Ignoring input!" ) # Call actual library version fit routine (without passed parameters) self._fit() # Mark the state so it doesnt get refit and can now be saved self.fitted = True return self
[docs] def _fit(self): """ Abstract method to act as a placeholder. Inheriting classes MUST instantiate this method to manage the fit operation. Intentionally not abstracting function because each library internally configures a little differently """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def transform(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run input through pipeline -- only method that should reference the pipeline relationship directly (gates the connection point for easy extension in the future) """ return self.pipeline.transform(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _predict(self, X, **kwargs): """ Separate out actual predict call for optional overwrite in subclasses """ return self.external_model.predict(X)
[docs] def predict(self, X, transform=True, **kwargs): """ Pass through method to external model after running through pipeline :param transform: bool, whether to transform input via pipeline before predicting, default True """ self.assert_fitted("Must fit model before predicting") if transform: # Pipeline returns Split object if input is null # Otherwise transformed matrix transformed = self.transform(X, **kwargs) X = transformed.X if X is None else transformed if ( X is None ): # Don't attempt to run through model if no samples (can't evaulate ahead of transform in case dataset split used) return np.array([]) return self._predict(X, **kwargs)
[docs] def fit_predict(self, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for fit and predict methods """ # Pass X as none to cascade using internal dataset for X # Assumes only applies to default (training) split return self.predict(X=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_labels(self, dataset_split=None): """ Wrapper method to return labels from dataset """ return self.pipeline.y(split=dataset_split)
""" Pass-through methods to external model """
[docs] def get_params(self, **kwargs): """ Pass through method to external model """ return self.external_model.get_params(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """ Pass through method to external model """ return self.external_model.set_params(**params)
[docs] def score(self, X, y=None, **kwargs): """ Pass through method to external model """ return self.external_model.score(X, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_feature_metadata(self, **kwargs): """ Abstract method for each model to define Should return a dict of feature information (importance, coefficients...) """ return self.external_model.get_feature_metadata( features=self.pipeline.get_feature_names(), **kwargs
[docs]class LibraryModel(Model): """ Main model class needs to be initialize-able in order to play nice with database persistence and loading. This class is the in between that defines the expected methods for each extended library. Examples: Scikit-learn estimators --> SklearnModel(LibraryModel): ... Keras estimators --> KerasModel(LibraryModel): ... PyTorch ... ... """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def _fit(self): pass