Source code for simpleml.models.split_iterators

Helper classes to iterate splits

[docs]__author__ = "Elisha Yadgaran"
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from simpleml.datasets.dataset_splits import Split from simpleml.imports import Sequence from simpleml.pipelines import Pipeline
[docs]def split_to_ordered_tuple(split: Split) -> Tuple: """ Helper to convert a split object into an ordered tuple of X, y, other """ return_objects = [] X = split.X y = split.y if X is not None: return_objects.append(X) if y is not None: return_objects.append(y) for k, v in split.items(): if k not in ("X", "y") and v is not None: return_objects.append(v) return return_objects
[docs]class DataIterator(object):
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self
""" Python native implementation """
[docs]class PythonIterator(DataIterator): """ Pure python iterator. Converts a split object into a generator with defined batch sizes """ def __init__( self, split: Split, infinite_loop: bool = False, batch_size: int = 32, shuffle: bool = True, return_tuple: bool = False, **kwargs, ): self.split = split self.infinite_loop = infinite_loop self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.return_tuple = return_tuple self.generate_indices()
[docs] def generate_indices(self): # Extract indices to subsample from X = self.split.X if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): indices = X.index.tolist() elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray): indices = np.arange(X.shape[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError self.dataset_size = X.shape[0] self.indices = indices
[docs] def __iter__(self): # Loop through and sample indefinitely self.first_run = True self.current_index = 0 return self
[docs] def __next__(self) -> Union[Split, Tuple]: """ Turn a dataset split into a generator """ X = self.split.X y = self.split.y if self.dataset_size == 0: # Return None raise StopIteration # Loop so that infinite batches can be generated if self.current_index >= self.dataset_size: if self.infinite_loop: self.current_index = 0 self.first_run = False else: raise StopIteration # shuffle on new loops if self.current_index == 0 and self.shuffle and not self.first_run: self.indices = np.random.shuffle(self.indices) # next batch indices batch = self.indices[ self.current_index : min( self.current_index + self.batch_size, self.dataset_size ) ] self.current_index += self.batch_size if y is not None and ( isinstance(y, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)) and not y.empty ): # Supervised if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): split = Split(X=X.loc[batch], y=np.stack(y.loc[batch].squeeze().values)) else: split = Split(X=X[batch], y=y[batch]) else: # Unsupervised if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): split = Split(X=X.loc[batch]) else: split = Split(X=X[batch]) if self.return_tuple: return split_to_ordered_tuple(split) else: return split
[docs]class PipelineTransformIterator(DataIterator): """ Wrapper utility to convert a pipeline transform operation into an iterator Transforms batch on iteration with provided pipeline """ def __init__(self, pipeline: Pipeline, data_iterator: DataIterator): self.pipeline = pipeline self.data_iterator = data_iterator
[docs] def __iter__(self): # restart data iterator self.data_iterator = iter(self.data_iterator) return self
[docs] def __next__(self) -> Union[Split, Tuple]: """ NOTE: Some downstream objects expect to consume a generator with a tuple of X, y, other... not a Split object, so an ordered tuple will be returned if the dataset iterator returns a tuple """ batch = next(self.data_iterator) if isinstance(batch, tuple): X = batch[0] return_tuple = True else: X = batch.X return_tuple = False output = self.pipeline.transform(X) if return_tuple: # Return input with X replaced by output (transformed X) # Contains y or other named inputs to propagate downstream # Explicitly order for *args input -- X, y, other... return tuple((X, *batch[1:])) else: return Split(X=output, **{k: v for k, v in batch.items() if k != "X"})
""" Keras Style implementation """
[docs]class DatasetSequence(Sequence): """ Sequence wrapper for internal datasets. Only used for raw data mapping so return type is internal `Split` object. Transformed sequences are used to conform with external input types (keras tuples) """ def __init__( self, split: Split, batch_size: int = 32, shuffle: bool = True, return_tuple: bool = True, **kwargs, ): self.split = split self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.return_tuple = return_tuple self.generate_indices()
[docs] def generate_indices(self) -> None: # Extract indices to subsample from X = self.split.X if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): indices = X.index.tolist() elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray): indices = np.arange(X.shape[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError self.dataset_size: int = self.X.shape[0] if self.dataset_size == 0: # Return None raise ValueError("Attempting to create sequence with no data") self.indices = indices
[docs] def validated_split(split: Any) -> Any: """ Confirms data is valid, otherwise returns None (makes downstream checking simpler) """ if split is None: return None elif isinstance(split, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)) and split.empty: return None return split
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index) -> Split: """Gets batch at position `index`. # Arguments index: position of the batch in the Sequence. # Returns A batch """ current_index = index * self.batch_size # list index of batch start batch = self.indices[ current_index : min(current_index + self.batch_size, self.dataset_size) ] X = self.validated_split(self.split.X) y = self.validated_split(self.split.y) if y is not None: # Supervised if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): split = Split(X=X.loc[batch], y=np.stack(y.loc[batch].squeeze().values)) else: split = Split(X=X[batch], y=y[batch]) else: # Unsupervised if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): split = Split(X=X.loc[batch]) else: split = Split(X=X[batch]) if self.return_tuple: return split_to_ordered_tuple(split) else: return split
[docs] def __len__(self): """Number of batch in the Sequence. # Returns The number of batches in the Sequence. """ return int(np.ceil(len(self.dataset_size) / float(self.batch_size)))
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self) -> None: """Method called at the end of every epoch.""" if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(self.indices)
[docs]class PipelineTransformSequence(Sequence): """ Nested sequence class to apply transforms on batches in real-time and forward through as the next batch """ def __init__(self, pipeline: Pipeline, dataset_sequence: DatasetSequence): self.pipeline = pipeline self.dataset_sequence = dataset_sequence
[docs] def __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Split, Tuple]: """ Pass-through to dataset sequence - applies transform on data and returns transformed batch """ batch: Union[Tuple, Split] = self.dataset_sequence(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(batch, tuple): X = batch[0] return_tuple = True else: X = batch.X return_tuple = False output = self.pipeline.transform(X) if return_tuple: # Return input with X replaced by output (transformed X) # Contains y or other named inputs to propagate downstream # Explicitly order for *args input -- X, y, other... return tuple((X, *batch[1:])) else: return Split(X=output, **{k: v for k, v in batch.items() if k != "X"})
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Pass-through. Returns number of batches in dataset sequence """ return len(self.dataset_sequence)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self) -> None: self.dataset_sequence.on_epoch_end()