Source code for simpleml.orm.initialization

Util module to initialize SimpleML and configure
database management

[docs]__author__ = "Elisha Yadgaran"
import atexit import logging import os import random from os.path import dirname, join, realpath from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple from alembic import command from alembic.config import Config from alembic.migration import MigrationContext from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL, make_url from sqlalchemy.exc import ProgrammingError from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker from simpleml.imports import SSHTunnelForwarder # Import table models to register in DeclaritiveBase from simpleml.orm.metadata import ( BinaryStorageSqlalchemy, DatasetStorageSqlalchemy, SimplemlCoreSqlalchemy, ) from simpleml.orm.serializing import custom_dumps, custom_loads from simpleml.utils.configuration import CONFIG, FILESTORE_DIRECTORY from simpleml.utils.errors import SimpleMLError
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Database Defaults
[docs]class BaseDatabase(object): """ Base Database class to configure db connection Does not assume schema tracking or any other validation Starting in sqlalchemy 1.4.2, the signature of `sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` has changed to an immutable object without an __init__ """ def __init__( self, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, configuration_section: Optional[str] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, use_ssh_tunnel: bool = False, sshtunnel_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **credentials, ): """ :param use_ssh_tunnel: boolean - default false. Whether to tunnel sqlalchemy connection through an ssh tunnel or not :param sshtunnel_params: Dict of ssh params - specify according to sshtunnel project - direct passthrough """ self.use_ssh_tunnel = use_ssh_tunnel # Sort out which credentials are the final ones -- default to remaining passed params if configuration_section is not None: if config is None: raise SimpleMLError("Cannot use config section without a config file") # Default to credentials in config file credentials = dict(config[configuration_section]) elif uri is not None: # Deconstruct URI into credentials url = make_url(uri) credentials = { "drivername": url.drivername, "username": url.username, "password": url.password, "host":, "port": url.port, "database": url.database, "query": url.query, } # Reconfigure credentials if SSH tunnel specified if self.use_ssh_tunnel: LOGGER.warning( """ Usage: call Database.open_tunnel() before Database.initialize() and end script with Database.close_tunnel() Configure connection with supported parameters passed via `sshtunnel_params={**configs}`. Binding and routing through local port is automatically handled, but other parameters like `set_keepalive` may be interesting. """ ) # Overwrite passed ports and hosts to route localhost port to the # original destination via tunnel if sshtunnel_params is None: sshtunnel_params = {} credentials, self.ssh_config = self.configure_ssh_tunnel( credentials, sshtunnel_params ) try: # New syntax (1.4.2+) self.url = URL.create(**credentials) except AttributeError: # Old syntax self.url = URL(**credentials)
[docs] def configure_ssh_tunnel( self, credentials: Dict[str, Any], ssh_config: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: # Actual DB location target_host = credentials.pop("host") target_port = int(credentials.pop("port")) # SSH Tunnel location local_host, local_port = ssh_config.get("local_bind_address", (None, None)) local_host = local_host or "localhost" # In case it's null local_port = local_port or random.randint(4000, 5000) # In case it's null"Using {}:{} to bind SSH tunnel".format(local_host, local_port)) # Swap em - db URI points to the local tunnel opening and the remote # ssh tunnel binds to the original host+port credentials["host"] = local_host credentials["port"] = local_port ssh_config["local_bind_address"] = (local_host, local_port) ssh_config["remote_bind_address"] = (target_host, target_port) return credentials, ssh_config
[docs] def open_tunnel(self) -> None: atexit.register(self.close_tunnel) self.ssh_tunnel.start()
[docs] def close_tunnel(self) -> None: self.ssh_tunnel.stop()
[docs] def engine(self) -> Any: # Custom serializer/deserializer not supported by all drivers # Definitely works for: # - Postgres # - SQLite >= 1.3.7 -- Use _json_serializer for below return create_engine( self.url, json_serializer=custom_dumps, json_deserializer=custom_loads, pool_recycle=300,
) @property
[docs] def ssh_tunnel(self) -> SSHTunnelForwarder: if SSHTunnelForwarder is None: # Not installed raise SimpleMLError( "SSHTunnel is not installed, install with `pip install sshtunnel`" ) if not hasattr(self, "_sshtunnel"): self._sshtunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder(**self.ssh_config) return self._sshtunnel
[docs] def create_tables( self, base, drop_tables: bool = False, ignore_errors: bool = False ) -> None: """ Creates database tables (and potentially drops existing ones). Assumes to be running under a sufficiently privileged user :param drop_tables: Whether or not to drop the existing tables first. :return: None """ try: if drop_tables: base.metadata.drop_all() base.metadata.create_all() except ProgrammingError as e: # Permission errors if ignore_errors: LOGGER.debug(e) else: raise (e)
[docs] def _initialize(self, base, create_tables=False, **kwargs): """ Initialization method to set up database connection and inject session manager :param create_tables: Bool, whether to create tables in database :param drop_tables: Bool, whether to drop existing tables in database :return: None """ engine = self.engine session = scoped_session( sessionmaker(autocommit=True, autoflush=False, bind=engine) ) base.metadata.bind = engine base.query = session.query_property() if create_tables: self.create_tables(base, **kwargs) base.set_session(session)
[docs] def initialize(self, base_list, **kwargs): """ Initialization method to set up database connection and inject session manager Raises a SimpleML error if database schema is not up to date :param drop_tables: Bool, whether to drop existing tables in database :param upgrade: Bool, whether to run an upgrade migration after establishing a connection :return: None """ for base in base_list: self._initialize(base, **kwargs)
# delegate representation to URL
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.url.__str__()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.url.__repr__()
[docs]class AlembicDatabase(BaseDatabase): """ Base database class to manage dbs with schema tracking. Includes alembic config references """ def __init__(self, alembic_filepath, script_location="migrations", *args, **kwargs): self.alembic_filepath = alembic_filepath self.script_location = script_location super(AlembicDatabase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property
[docs] def alembic_config(self): if not hasattr(self, "_alembic_config"): # load the Alembic configuration self._alembic_config = Config(self.alembic_filepath) # For some reason, alembic doesnt use a relative path from the ini # and cannot find the migration folder without the full path self._alembic_config.set_main_option( "script_location", join(dirname(self.alembic_filepath), self.script_location), ) return self._alembic_config
[docs] def create_tables(self, base, drop_tables=False, ignore_errors=False): """ Creates database tables (and potentially drops existing ones). Assumes to be running under a sufficiently privileged user :param drop_tables: Whether or not to drop the existing tables first. :return: None """ try: if drop_tables: base.metadata.drop_all() # downgrade the version table, "stamping" it with the base rev command.stamp(self.alembic_config, "base") base.metadata.create_all() # generate/upgrade the version table, "stamping" it with the most recent rev command.stamp(self.alembic_config, "head") except ProgrammingError as e: # Permission errors if ignore_errors: LOGGER.debug(e) else: raise (e)
[docs] def upgrade(self, revision="head"): """ Proxy Method to invoke alembic upgrade command to specified revision Indirectly runs the alembic code """ command.upgrade(self.alembic_config, revision)
[docs] def downgrade(self, revision): """ Proxy Method to invoke alembic downgrade command to specified revision Indirectly runs the alembic code """ command.downgrade(self.alembic_config, revision)
[docs] def validate_schema_version(self, base_list): """ Check that the newly initialized database is up-to-date Raises an error otherwise (ahead of any table model mismatches later) """ # Iterate base list and check schema against alembic config (if different # bases use different configs, they need to be invoked in different classes) # Does not actually trigger any migrations so have to configure the script # wrapper and migration context manually for base in base_list: # Establish a context to access db values - use the bound engine in case # of ephemeral connection (in memory sqlite) engine = base.metadata.bind context = MigrationContext.configure(engine.connect()) current_revision = context.get_current_revision() # Read local config file to find the current "head" revision script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(self.alembic_config) head_revision = script.get_current_head() if current_revision != head_revision: raise SimpleMLError( """Attempting to connect to an outdated schema. Set the parameter `upgrade=True` in the initialize method or manually execute `simpleml db upgrade` in a shell"""
[docs] def initialize(self, base_list, upgrade=False, validate=True, **kwargs): """ Initialization method to set up database connection and inject session manager Raises a SimpleML error if database schema is not up to date :param drop_tables: Bool, whether to drop existing tables in database :param upgrade: Bool, whether to run an upgrade migration after establishing a connection :return: None """ # Standard initialization super(AlembicDatabase, self).initialize(base_list, **kwargs) # Upgrade schema if necessary if upgrade: self.upgrade() # Assert current db schema is up-to-date if validate: self.validate_schema_version(base_list)
[docs]class Database(AlembicDatabase): """ SimpleML specific configuration to interact with the database Defaults to sqlite db in filestore directory """ def __init__( self, configuration_section=None, uri=None, database=None, username=None, password=None, drivername=None, host=None, port=None, query=None, *args, **kwargs, ): if ( configuration_section is None and uri is None and all( [ i is None for i in (database, username, password, drivername, port, query) ] ) ): # Fill with env variable values if none are passed directly configuration_section = DATABASE_CONF uri = DATABASE_URI database = DATABASE_NAME username = DATABASE_USERNAME password = DATABASE_PASSWORD drivername = DATABASE_DRIVERNAME host = DATABASE_HOST port = DATABASE_PORT query = DATABASE_QUERY if ( configuration_section is None and uri is None and all( [ i is None for i in (database, username, password, drivername, port, query) ] ) ): # Use default creds for a sqlite database in filestore directory if env variables are also null "No database connection specified, using default SQLite db in {}".format( FILESTORE_DIRECTORY ) ) uri = "sqlite:///{}".format(join(FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, "SimpleML.db")) root_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__)))) alembic_filepath = join(root_path, "simpleml/migrations/alembic.ini") script_location = "" super(Database, self).__init__( config=CONFIG, alembic_filepath=alembic_filepath, script_location=script_location, configuration_section=configuration_section, uri=uri, database=database, username=username, password=password, drivername=drivername, host=host, port=port, query=query, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def initialize(self, base_list=None, **kwargs): """ Initialization method to set up database connection and inject session manager Raises a SimpleML error if database schema is not up to date :param drop_tables: Bool, whether to drop existing tables in database :param upgrade: Bool, whether to run an upgrade migration after establishing a connection :return: None """ if base_list is None: # Use defaults in project base_list = [SimplemlCoreSqlalchemy] super(Database, self).initialize(base_list, **kwargs)
[docs]class DatasetDatabase(BaseDatabase): """ Hardcoded database mapped to dataset storage metadata """
[docs] def initialize(self, base_list=None, **kwargs): """ Initialization method to set up database connection and inject session manager Raises a SimpleML error if database schema is not up to date :param drop_tables: Bool, whether to drop existing tables in database :param upgrade: Bool, whether to run an upgrade migration after establishing a connection :return: None """ if base_list is None: # Use defaults in project base_list = [DatasetStorageSqlalchemy] super(DatasetDatabase, self).initialize(base_list, **kwargs)
[docs]class BinaryStorageDatabase(BaseDatabase): """ Hardcoded database mapped to binary storage metadata """
[docs] def initialize(self, base_list=None, **kwargs): """ Initialization method to set up database connection and inject session manager Raises a SimpleML error if database schema is not up to date :param drop_tables: Bool, whether to drop existing tables in database :param upgrade: Bool, whether to run an upgrade migration after establishing a connection :return: None """ if base_list is None: # Use defaults in project base_list = [BinaryStorageSqlalchemy] super(BinaryStorageDatabase, self).initialize(base_list, **kwargs)