Source code for simpleml.persistables.hashing

Mixin classes to handle hashing

[docs]__author__ = "Elisha Yadgaran"
import hashlib import inspect import logging import struct from typing import Any, Tuple, Type, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.util import hash_pandas_object from simpleml._external.joblib import hash as pickle_hash from simpleml.imports import ddDataFrame
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def _pandas_hash(df): """ Helper for hashing pandas - outside local context to be pickleable between threads (recursive class reference causes dask subgraph issues) """ # Pandas is unable to hash numpy arrays so prehash those return hash_pandas_object( df.applymap( lambda element: CustomHasherMixin.custom_hasher(element) if isinstance(element, np.ndarray) else element ), index=False,
[docs]class CustomHasherMixin(object): """ Mixin class to hash any object """ @classmethod
[docs] def custom_hasher( cls, object_to_hash: Any, raise_on_nonprimitive: bool = False ) -> str: """ Adapted from: Makes a hash from a dictionary, list, tuple or set to any level, that contains only other hashable types (including any lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries). In the case where other kinds of objects (like classes) need to be hashed, pass in a collection of object attributes that are pertinent. For example, a class can be hashed in this fashion: custom_hasher([cls.__dict__, cls.__name__]) A function can be hashed like so: custom_hasher([fn.__dict__, fn.__code__]) python 3.3+ changes the default hash method to add an additional random seed. Need to set the global PYTHONHASHSEED=0 or use a different hash function reduces to primitive dtypes and then calls cls.md5_hasher for a consistent hash value. falls back to joblib pickle hashing for other dtypes If `raise_on_nonprimitive` is True, raises a ValueError if `object_to_hash` will be hashed based on inconsistent-across-instantiations object identity rather than primitives/consistent-across-instantiations content values. """ LOGGER.debug(f"Hashing input: {object_to_hash}") # Class attribute dict (mappingproxy class) if isinstance(object_to_hash, type(object.__dict__)): o2 = {} for k, v in object_to_hash.items(): if not k.startswith("__"): o2[k] = v object_to_hash = o2 LOGGER.debug(f"hash type: {type(object_to_hash)}") if isinstance(object_to_hash, (set, tuple, list)): _intermediate_hashes = tuple([cls.custom_hasher(e) for e in object_to_hash]) hash_output = cls.md5_hasher(_intermediate_hashes) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, np.ndarray): hash_output = cls.custom_hasher(object_to_hash.tostring()) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, np.int64): hash_output = int(object_to_hash) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, pd.DataFrame): # returns numpy.int64 dtype which hashes differently in newer numpy versions hash_output = int(_pandas_hash(object_to_hash).sum()) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, ddDataFrame): # dask dataframes are just collections of pandas hash_output = int( object_to_hash.map_partitions(_pandas_hash, meta=(None, int)) .sum() .compute() ) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, pd.Series): # Pandas is unable to hash numpy arrays so prehash those hash_output = int( hash_pandas_object( object_to_hash.apply( lambda element: cls.custom_hasher(element) if isinstance(element, np.ndarray) else element ), index=False, ).sum() ) elif object_to_hash is None: # hash of None is unstable between systems hash_output = -12345678987654321 elif isinstance(object_to_hash, dict): _intermediate_hashes = tuple( sorted([cls.custom_hasher(item) for item in object_to_hash.items()]) ) hash_output = cls.md5_hasher(_intermediate_hashes) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, type(lambda: 0)): # Functions dont hash consistently because of the halting problem # # Attempt to use the source code string hash_output = cls.custom_hasher(inspect.getsource(object_to_hash)) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, type): # uninitialized classes # Have to keep this at the end of the try list # functions are also of <type 'type'> # dynamically defined classes will throw an error trying to find source code # also do not want to rigidly define classes as the hash of the code # lots of non behavior code changes (extra functionality, comments, etc) # can be done and should map to the same "content" (what the hash # tries to capture) # fall back to just the module.class name instead # WARNING: module paths reflect import paths and will be different # depending on how a class is imported (from a import cls != from library.a import cls) LOGGER.warning( f"Hashing class import path for {object_to_hash}, if a fully qualified import path is not used, calling again from a different location will yield different results!" ) hash_output = cls.custom_hasher( f"{object_to_hash.__module__}.{object_to_hash.__name__}" ) # return self.custom_hasher(inspect.getsource(object_to_hash)) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, object) and hasattr(object_to_hash, "__dict__"): # Everything is an object so keep this at the very end. # Should only match initialized objects at this point # Represent as a tuple of (class, __dict__) hash_output = cls.custom_hasher( (object_to_hash.__class__, object_to_hash.__dict__) ) elif isinstance(object_to_hash, (float, int, str)): hash_output = cls.md5_hasher(object_to_hash) else: if raise_on_nonprimitive: raise ValueError( f"Unable to hash {object_to_hash} using Python primitives" ) # primitives (str, int, float) # Log a warning if the previous checks were unable to find a suitable # decomposition for the object LOGGER.warning( f"Unable to find suitable representation of {object_to_hash}, passing through to hash function directly. (This may result in future breaking changes)" ) hash_output = pickle_hash(object_to_hash) LOGGER.debug(f"Hashing output: {hash_output}, {type(hash_output)}") return hash_output
[docs] def md5_hasher( object_to_hash: Union[Tuple[float, str, int], float, str, int] ) -> str: """ Generate a simple deterministic hash with md5 - only supports basic dtypes """ if isinstance(object_to_hash, tuple): for i in object_to_hash: if not isinstance(i, (float, str, int)): raise ValueError( f"md5 can only hash simple dtypes, passed: {type(i)}" ) elif not isinstance(object_to_hash, (float, str, int)): raise ValueError( f"md5 can only hash simple dtypes, passed: {type(object_to_hash)}" ) def update_hash(m, k): """ md5 requires byte objects as input. performs consistent encoding on inputs """ if isinstance(k, str): k = k.encode() # encode unicode elif isinstance(k, int): k = k.to_bytes(256, "big", signed=True) elif isinstance(k, float): k = struct.pack(">d", k) else: raise NotImplementedError m.update(k) m = hashlib.md5() if isinstance(object_to_hash, tuple): for k in object_to_hash: update_hash(m, k) else: update_hash(m, object_to_hash) return m.hexdigest()