Source code for simpleml.utils.postgres

Util module to manage postgres specific functions

[docs]__author__ = "Elisha Yadgaran"
from simpleml.imports import psycopg2
[docs]def create_database(connection_params, database, owner=None, raise_error=True): """ Creates a new database :return: None """ owner_syntax = " WITH OWNER {}".format(owner) if owner else "" database_command = 'CREATE DATABASE "{database}" {owner};'.format( database=database, owner=owner_syntax ) try: run_sql_command(connection_params, database_command, autocommit=True) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: if raise_error: raise (e)
[docs]def create_user(connection_params, user, password, raise_error=True): """ Creates a new user :return: None """ user_command = "CREATE USER {user} PASSWORD '{password}';".format( user=user, password=password ) try: run_sql_command(connection_params, user_command, autocommit=True) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: if raise_error: raise (e)
[docs]def drop_database(connection_params, database, force=False, raise_error=True): """ Drop database -- Must have sufficient privileges :return: None """ force_command = "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '{}'".format( database ) database_command = 'DROP DATABASE "{database}";'.format(database=database) try: if force: run_sql_command(connection_params, force_command) run_sql_command(connection_params, database_command, autocommit=True) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: if raise_error: raise (e)
[docs]def drop_user(connection_params, user, raise_error=True): """ Drop a user -- Must have sufficient privileges :return: None """ user_command = "DROP USER {user};".format(user=user) try: run_sql_command(connection_params, user_command, autocommit=True) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: if raise_error: raise (e)
[docs]def run_sql_command(connection_params, command, autocommit=False): """ Execute command directly using psycopg2 cursor :param connection_params: dict of connection details :param command: raw sql to execute :param autocommit: default false; determines if the connection automcommits commands. Necessary for certain commands (create/drop db) """ connection = psycopg2.connect(**connection_params) cursor = connection.cursor() connection.autocommit = autocommit cursor.execute(command) if not autocommit: connection.commit() cursor.close() connection.close()