Source code for simpleml.datasets.base_dataset

Base Module for Datasets

Two use cases:
    1) Processed, or traditional datasets. In situations of clean,
representative data, this can be used directly for modeling purposes.

    2) Otherwise, a `raw dataset` needs to be created first with a `dataset pipeline`
to transform it into the processed form.

__author__ = 'Elisha Yadgaran'

from simpleml.persistables.base_persistable import Persistable
from simpleml.persistables.saving import AllSaveMixin
from simpleml.persistables.dataset_storage import DatasetStorage, DATASET_SCHEMA
from simpleml.persistables.meta_registry import DatasetRegistry
from simpleml.persistables.guid import GUID

from future.utils import with_metaclass
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, UniqueConstraint, Index
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
import logging

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AbstractDataset(with_metaclass(DatasetRegistry, Persistable, AllSaveMixin)): ''' Abstract Base class for all Dataset objects. Every dataset has a "dataframe" object associated with it that is responsible for housing the data. The term dataframe is a bit of a misnomer since it does not need to be a pandas.DataFrame obejct. Each dataframe can be subdivided by inheriting classes and mixins to support numerous representations: ex: y column for supervised train/test/validation splits ... Datasets can be constructed from scratch or as derivatives of existing datasets. In the event of derivation, a pipeline must be specified to transform the original data ------- Schema ------- No additional columns ''' __abstract__ = True object_type = 'DATASET' def __init__(self, has_external_files=True, label_columns=[], **kwargs): super(AbstractDataset, self).__init__( has_external_files=has_external_files, **kwargs) # By default assume unsupervised so no targets self.config['label_columns'] = label_columns @property def _schema(self): return DATASET_SCHEMA @property def _engine(self): return DatasetStorage.metadata.bind @property def dataframe(self): # Return dataframe if generated, otherwise generate first if self.unloaded_externals: self._load_external_files() if not hasattr(self, '_external_file') or self._external_file is None: self.build_dataframe() return self._external_file @property def label_columns(self): ''' Keep column list for labels in metadata to persist through saving ''' return self.config.get('label_columns', [])
[docs] def build_dataframe(self): ''' Must set self._external_file Cant set as abstractmethod because of database lookup dependency ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_pipeline(self, pipeline): ''' Setter method for dataset pipeline used ''' self.pipeline = pipeline
def _hash(self): ''' Datasets rely on external data so instead of hashing only the config, hash the actual resulting dataframe This requires loading the data before determining duplication so overwrite for differing behavior Technically there is little reason to hash anything besides the dataframe, but a design choice was made to separate the representation of the data from the use cases. For example: two dataset objects with different configured labels will yield different downstream results, even if the data is identical. Similarly with the pipeline, maintaining the back reference to the originating source is preferred, even if the final data can be made through different transformations. Hash is the combination of the: 1) Dataframe 2) Config 3) Pipeline ''' dataframe = self.dataframe config = self.config if self.pipeline is not None: pipeline_hash = self.pipeline.hash_ or self.pipeline._hash() else: pipeline_hash = None return self.custom_hasher((dataframe, config, pipeline_hash))
[docs] def save(self, **kwargs): ''' Extend parent function with a few additional save routines ''' if self.pipeline is None: LOGGER.warning('Not using a dataset pipeline. Correct if this is unintended') super(AbstractDataset, self).save(**kwargs) # Sqlalchemy updates relationship references after save so reload class if self.pipeline: self.pipeline.load(load_externals=False)
[docs] def load(self, **kwargs): ''' Extend main load routine to load relationship class ''' super(AbstractDataset, self).load(**kwargs) # By default dont load data unless it actually gets used if self.pipeline: self.pipeline.load(load_externals=False)
[docs]class Dataset(AbstractDataset): ''' Base class for all Dataset objects. ------- Schema ------- pipeline_id: foreign key relation to the dataset pipeline used as input ''' __tablename__ = 'datasets' pipeline_id = Column(GUID, ForeignKey("")) pipeline = relationship("Pipeline", enable_typechecks=False, foreign_keys=[pipeline_id]) __table_args__ = ( # Unique constraint for versioning UniqueConstraint('name', 'version', name='dataset_name_version_unique'), # Index for searching through friendly names Index('dataset_name_index', 'name'), )