Source code for simpleml.persistables.saving

Module to define the mixins that support different persistence
patterns for external objects

- Dataframe saving (as tables in dedicated schema)
- Pickled Object saving
    - In database as a binary blob
    - To local filestore
- HDF5 object saving
    - In database as a binary blob
    - To local filestore
- Remote filestore saving
    - S3
    - Google Cloud
    - Azure

__author__ = 'Elisha Yadgaran'

from simpleml.persistables.binary_blob import BinaryBlob
from simpleml.utils.system_path import PICKLED_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, HDF5_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY
from simpleml.persistables.meta_registry import KERAS_REGISTRY
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import dill as pickle
from os.path import join

# Python 2/3 compatibility
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from future.utils import with_metaclass

# Import optional dependencies
from simpleml import load_model, hickle

[docs]class ExternalSaveMixin(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): @abstractmethod def _save_external_files(self): ''' Define pattern for saving external files ''' @abstractmethod def _load_external_files(self): ''' Define pattern for loading external files should set the self._external_file attribute '''
[docs]class DataframeTableSaveMixin(ExternalSaveMixin): ''' Mixin class to save dataframes to a database table Expects the following available attributes: - self._external_file - self._schema - - self._engine - self.dataframe Sets the following attributes: - self.filepaths ''' def _save_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._save_dataframe_to_table() def _load_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._load_dataframe_from_table() def _save_dataframe_to_table(self): ''' Shared method to save dataframe into a new table with name = GUID ''' self.filepaths = {"database": [(self._schema, str(]} self.df_to_sql(self._engine, self.dataframe, str(, schema=self._schema) def _load_dataframe_from_table(self): ''' Shared method to load dataframe from database ''' schema, tablename = self.filepaths['database'][0] self._external_file = self.load_sql( 'select * from "{}"."{}"'.format(schema, tablename), self._engine ) # Indicate externals were loaded self.unloaded_externals = False
[docs] @staticmethod def df_to_sql(engine, df, table, dtype=None, schema='public', if_exists='replace', sep='|', encoding='utf8', index=False): ''' Utility to bulk insert pandas dataframe via `copy from` :param df: dataframe to insert :param table: destination table :param dtype: column schema of destination table :param schema: destination schema :param if_exists: what to do if destination table exists; valid inputs are: [`replace`, `append`, `fail`] :param sep: separator key between cells :param encoding: character encoding to use :param index: whether to output index with data ''' NULL_STRING = 'SIMPLEML_NULL' # Create Table df.head(0).to_sql(table, con=engine, if_exists=if_exists, index=index, schema=schema, dtype=dtype) # Prepare data output = StringIO() df.to_csv(output, sep=sep, header=False, encoding=encoding, index=index, na_rep=NULL_STRING) # Insert data connection = engine.raw_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Use copy expert for CSV formatting (handles character escapes, copy_from does not) cursor.copy_expert( """COPY "{schema}"."{table}" ({columns}) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, NULL '{null}', DELIMITER '{sep}')""".format( schema=schema, table=table, columns=', '.join(['"{}"'.format(i) for i in df.columns]), null=NULL_STRING, sep=sep ), output ) connection.commit() connection.close()
[docs]class DatabasePickleSaveMixin(ExternalSaveMixin): ''' Mixin class to save binary objects to a database table Expects the following available attributes: - self._external_file - - self.object_type Sets the following attributes: - self.filepaths - self.unloaded_externals ''' def _save_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._save_pickle_to_database() def _load_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._load_pickle_from_database() def _save_pickle_to_database(self): ''' Shared method to save files into binary schema Hardcoded to only store pickled objects in database so overwrite to use other storage mechanism ''' pickled_file = pickle.dumps(self._external_file, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickled_record = BinaryBlob.create( object_type=self.object_type,, binary_blob=pickled_file) self.filepaths = {"database_pickled": [str(]} def _load_pickle_from_database(self): ''' Shared method to load files from database Hardcoded to only pull from pickled so overwrite to use other storage mechanism ''' pickled_id = self.filepaths['database_pickled'][0] pickled_file = BinaryBlob.find(pickled_id).binary_blob self._external_file = pickle.loads(pickled_file) # Indicate externals were loaded self.unloaded_externals = False
[docs]class DiskPickleSaveMixin(ExternalSaveMixin): ''' Mixin class to save objects to disk in pickled format Expects the following available attributes: - self._external_file - Sets the following attributes: - self.filepaths - self.unloaded_externals ''' def _save_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._save_pickle_to_disk() def _load_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._load_pickle_from_disk() def _save_pickle_to_disk(self): ''' Shared method to save files to disk in pickled format ''' with open(join(PICKLED_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, str( + '.pkl', 'wb') as pickled_file: pickle.dump(self._external_file, pickled_file, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) self.filepaths = {"disk_pickled": [str( + '.pkl']} def _load_pickle_from_disk(self): ''' Shared method to load files from disk in pickled format ''' pickled_id = self.filepaths['disk_pickled'][0] with open(join(PICKLED_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, pickled_id), 'rb') as pickled_file: self._external_file = pickle.load(pickled_file) # Indicate externals were loaded self.unloaded_externals = False
[docs]class DiskHDF5SaveMixin(ExternalSaveMixin): ''' Mixin class to save objects to disk in HDF5 format with hickle Expects the following available attributes: - self._external_file - Sets the following attributes: - self.filepaths - self.unloaded_externals ''' def _save_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._save_hdf5_to_disk() def _load_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._load_hdf5_from_disk() def _save_hdf5_to_disk(self): ''' Shared method to save files to disk in hickle's HDF5 format ''' filepath = join(HDF5_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, str( + '.h5') hickle.dump(self._external_file, filepath, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9) self.filepaths = {"disk_hdf5": [str( + '.h5']} def _load_hdf5_from_disk(self): ''' Shared method to load files from disk in hickle's HDF5 format ''' object_id = self.filepaths['disk_hdf5'][0] self._external_file = hickle.load(join(HDF5_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, object_id)) # Indicate externals were loaded self.unloaded_externals = False
[docs]class KerasDiskHDF5SaveMixin(ExternalSaveMixin): ''' Mixin class to save objects to disk in Keras's HDF5 format Keras's internal persistence mechanism utilizes HDF5 and implements a custom pattern Expects the following available attributes: - self._external_file - Sets the following attributes: - self.filepaths - self.unloaded_externals ''' def _save_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._save_keras_hdf5_to_disk() def _load_external_files(self): ''' Unless overwritten only use this mixin's paradigm ''' self._load_keras_hdf5_from_disk() def _save_keras_hdf5_to_disk(self): ''' Shared method to save files to disk in Keras's HDF5 format ''' filepath = join(HDF5_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, str( + '.h5') self.filepaths = {"disk_keras_hdf5": [str( + '.h5']} def _load_keras_hdf5_from_disk(self): ''' Shared method to load files from disk in Keras's HDF5 format ''' object_id = self.filepaths['disk_keras_hdf5'][0] self._external_file = load_model( str(join(HDF5_FILESTORE_DIRECTORY, object_id)), custom_objects=KERAS_REGISTRY.registry) # Indicate externals were loaded self.unloaded_externals = False
[docs]class AllSaveMixin(DataframeTableSaveMixin, DatabasePickleSaveMixin, DiskPickleSaveMixin, DiskHDF5SaveMixin, KerasDiskHDF5SaveMixin): def _save_external_files(self): ''' Wrapper method around save mixins for different persistence patterns ''' save_method = self.state['save_method'] if save_method == 'database': self._save_dataframe_to_table() elif save_method == 'database_pickled': self._save_pickle_to_database() elif save_method == 'disk_pickled': self._save_pickle_to_disk() elif save_method == 'disk_hdf5': self._save_hdf5_to_disk() elif save_method == 'disk_keras_hdf5': self._save_keras_hdf5_to_disk() else: raise ValueError('Unsupported Save Method: {}'.format(save_method)) def _load_external_files(self): ''' Wrapper method around save mixins for different persistence patterns ''' save_method = self.state['save_method'] if save_method == 'database': self._load_dataframe_from_table() elif save_method == 'database_pickled': self._load_pickle_from_database() elif save_method == 'disk_pickled': self._load_pickle_from_disk() elif save_method == 'disk_hdf5': self._load_hdf5_from_disk() elif save_method == 'disk_keras_hdf5': self._load_keras_hdf5_from_disk() else: raise ValueError('Unsupported Load Method: {}'.format(save_method))